
Ready to go virtual? We can help you design and deliver your virtual event or live video broadcast from concept to execution. We can even help train your people to deliver awesome virtual presentations.


Employees tuning out during your town hall? Fungi can help you rethink the virtual experience and help you deliver a strategic message to your audience while keeping them entertained.

BC revamped their America's Virtual Townhall with Fungi's help, enhancing the show flow, graphics, and video, and producing the live event.

Barry Callebaut
Case Study

BC needed to revamp their America’s Virtual Townhall and make the experience more exciting for employees around the region. Fungi helped redesign the show flow, create fun new graphics and video pre-roll package and produce the entire live event.

External Broadcast

Need to grab and hold your customers and prospects' attention. It’s time to stop thinking like an event producer and more like a TV producer. Fungi can take you through the entire process from design to execution.

James Hardie transformed their live event into a virtual "Global Investor Day" with Fungi's help, featuring presentations, graphics, and live Q&A with remote analysts.

James Hardie         
Case Study

James Hardie needed to transform a live in-person event into a virtual experience. Fungi brought their “Global Investor Day” virtual event to life through a two hour public broadcast featuring presentations, graphics package, live Q&A with remote analysts and more.

Virtual Presentation Training

Are you ready for your virtual presentation? Does your team know how to keep an audience engaged when they speak? Fungi can train you and your team to design and deliver awesome virtual presentations.

Knauf Insulation
Case Study

Knauf Insulation was ready to adapt their training and marketing teams to the digital world. They wanted to learn how to consistently and effectively create thought leadership videos and deliver better virtual presentations of their own. Fungi’s 2-day workshop, “Awesome Virtual Presentations,” taught them how to set up their shots, organize their message, and confidently perform on camera.
